
Photos from Kyoto trip

I have been in Kyoto for three days to view red leaves. Here are some of photos taken.

red leaves


Single Frequency Ytterbium Fiber Laser From Linear Cavity with Loop Mirror Filter

Japanese Journal of Applied Physics
Vol. 43, No. 10B, 2004, pp.L1379-L1381

Single Frequency Ytterbium Fiber Laser From Linear Cavity with Loop Mirror Filter
Shenghong Huang*, Yan Feng, Guanshi Qin, Akira Shirakawa, Mitsuru Musha and Ken-ichi Ueda

Single frequency ytterbium fiber laser was demonstrated by combining polariztion controller and loop mirror filter in linear laser cavity. Spatial hole burning effect was eliminated by adjusting polarization controller appropriately. The loop mirror with unpumped ytterbium fiber as a narrow bandpass filter can discriminate laser longitudinal modes efficiently. Output power up to 11.7 mW at 1064 nm were obtained for lauched pump power of 68 mW at 976 nm, the slope efficiency is about 22%.