by Yan
To whom it may concern!
Please be informed that there is a wasps colony next to the bicycle shelter.
We already called an expert for professionally removing the colony. In the meantime please avoid this area. Otherwise, remain calm and quietly when you pick up your bicycle. Do not panic. If forced to run, use your arms and hands to protect your face and eyes from possible stings. Quickly take shelter in a car or in the building.
Best regards,
xxx xxx
单位邮件列表里,最常见的 email 是友情提示,比如:“某某车灯未关”,“某某车窗未关”之类。有时候的提示比较超现实,比如上面这个黄蜂入侵。记忆犹新的有:“在走廊捡到一副牙,请主人去前台拿”,“一装有毒性液体的卡车在附近高速路上翻车请大家注意关窗”等等。
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