Instructables: step-by-step collaboration

by Yan

a3863f8eeded9e3997dae365.mediumInstructables 是个酷网站:

Instructables is a venue for showing what you make and how others can make it.

Making things is part of being human. Whether you make bikes, kites, food, clothing, protocols for biology research, or hack consumer electronics, good instructions are critical.

Instructables is a step-by-step collaboration system that helps you record and share your projects with a mixture of images, text, ingredient lists, CAD files, and more. We hope to make documentation simple and fast. Show your colleagues how to operate a machine, show your friends how to build a kayak, show the world how to make cool stuff.

它还有个专门面向孩子的Howtoons,名字明显是“howto + cartoons”。以卡通的形式教孩子们制作一些东西。比如右边那个图是叫孩子如何做 Underwater viewer,这样子可以看清水下的东西啦。