by Yan
Boing Boing 和 WordPress 的 Matt 都报道了 Lyceum,这个WordPress多用户版变种。
据说,与 WordPress MU 相比,易用性更好。它们在数据库的处理上,走向相反。哪种方式更利于 scale up,双方的开发者有不同的看法。
Matt 的评论:
From my examination of the code, it seems it’s exactly what WordPress MU is except they’ve modified every SQL statement (what a pain!) to use a monolithic table structure. We tested this approach for MU, but found it was too expensive to scale past a certain point. With monolithic structures you hit a wall based on your hardware. In MU users are divided and can be partitioned easily, for example on we have the users partitioned between 4096 databases, which allows you to scale very cheaply and efficiently to hundreds of thousands and even millions of users and extremely high levels of traffic. It’s unfortunate the Lyceum folks came to different conclusions and decided to focus their efforts on a fork rather than on the core codebase, especially as the massive changes going into WP 2.1 are going to be difficult to merge, but I still wish them the best and I’ll be watching the project closely and picking up anything interesting they do and bringing it back to WP. (Such is the beauty of Open Source. 🙂 )
Lyceum 的 FAG 里说:
Q: Why would I used Lyceum instead of WordPress?
A: Lyceum is for applications where you want it to be easy to create and manage many blogs from one place. For applications where only one blog is needed, WordPress will be the more suitable solution (the website you are reading now is running on WordPress).
Q: How different is the Lyceum code from the WordPress code?
A: Almost every SQL statement has been changed. There have been many changes made to add security that is needed in a multi-blog environment. IN terms of features and the vast majority of business logic, essentially none of the other code has been changed. Lyceum is currently synchronized with WordPress 2.01, and will continue to synchronize its codebase with future WordPress releases.
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最近一直想找一套好用的多用户blog系统,却怎么也找不到理想的。wordpress的单用户blog做得是不错,多用户的还处在beta期,相关的文档也不足,实用评测就更没有了。不过我看donews早在用了 …